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Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 New Year's Resolutions...

I've never been good at these things. Either I make an unrealistic resolution, like write an entire novel in a year, or I make a resolution that's out of my own control. Like, get my novel published.

So, when I first came up with this year's resolution, i.e. publish two short pieces in 2007, it seemed like a bad idea. So, I came up with something that's completely within my control (barring no personal tragedies occur) and something that doesn't seem too unrealistic. It's in parts...

Part 1: Submit two short pieces (either fiction or
nonfiction) a month.

Part 2: Find and do a write-up of at least one voter education site a week for my VOID project.

Part 3: Write up a complete, workable chapter-by-chapter synopsis for my fiction novel.

Part 4: Write up a complete, workable chapter-by-chapter outline for
my nonfiction book.

Part 5: Maintain my family obligations, my 4.0 GPA, my VOID
participation, and my blog while accomplishing the above.

So, does this seem realistic, considering what Part 5 has proven to entail? Or, am I setting myself up for failure once again? Do you think I can manage my time that well? Or is there more to it than time-management and motivation?

I don't know, but I do want to try. Advice would be appreciated.


At 1/01/2007 1:22 PM, Blogger small town girl said...

Setting high goals is great. I have them too. The most important thing for me to remeber is that if I don't get ALL of my to-do's done:

A) at least I tried
B) I am not a bad person if I only get some of them done.

I am tring to keep my resolutions simple:

#1) finish my degree
#2) all my other wish I could's
(Like the GPA, running for office, working 2? jobs, spending more time with family, ect)

At 1/01/2007 3:32 PM, Blogger David Schantz said...

Good luck and Happy New Year. I gave up on making New Year Resolutions. Always seemed like I was just setting myself up. The last one I made was made as a joke and I stuck with it. That was my resolution not to make anymore resolutions.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

At 1/01/2007 8:16 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

you are ambitious! I have no resolutions this year, but then again, I never do. I set goals and steadily work towards them, but th enew year has no bearing on them

At 1/01/2007 10:19 PM, Blogger Mark said...

I usually just make goals and try to meet them as best I can, but I figured perhaps having announced my resolutions to the world, or at least a virtual corner of it, will help keep me on track. We will see. I have too many ideas floating around in my head not to try.

At 1/02/2007 9:00 AM, Blogger Reverse_Vampyr said...

Congratulations on your resolutions for 2007. It seems like a lot (I only say so because I've been grappling with writing and drawing a graphic novel for several years). But if you do it in small doses, it should work. That's how I'm finally getting off my figurative - and literal - butt and getting my project in gear this year.

Set mini-goals you can achieve along the way to your big milestones. That's what I do to keep myself motivated and excited.

I hope you'll keep us in the loop as to how your writing progresses!

At 1/02/2007 5:26 PM, Blogger Mark said...


Mini goals are very important, which is why I have monthly goals and goals with a longer scope. Right now, my main goal is to work at it every day...and see how much I accomplish over the weeks/months/year.

And, I will remember to offer up-dates. Right now I'm working on hammering out the first essay I intend to submit. We'll see if I can find a local periodical that might be willing to consider it.

At 1/03/2007 7:28 PM, Blogger small town girl said...

Don't forget you are published on the web with one click...

At 1/03/2007 8:33 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Yes, but that doesn't add much to a portfolio, nor does it pay any bills.

At 1/03/2007 9:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't do very well at the setting goals thing either. I felt like I really accomplished something when we finally sat down and did a real budget and so far have at least made a valiant attempt to stick with it.

I have good intentions but something always happens that makes me put it off. Maybe that should be my resolution, to try to do more of what I want.


At 1/03/2007 10:14 PM, Blogger Mark said...

I think that makes for a very happy resolution!

At 1/04/2007 2:55 PM, Blogger historymike said...

Phew! Big goals, but if you can stick to them you will be a star in no time.

Make sure you pencil in "sleep" someplace!


At 1/04/2007 3:38 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Sleep? What's that? Isn't that the think my new coffee pot is designed to replace?!?

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